Atlauncher Stuck
I've attempted to download Yogscast Complete 3 times now, and everytime I do, the 'Downloading Mods' portion stops at 291.70 / 291. Gta San Andreas Vista. 72. Once the ATLauncher is. Every single Minecraft json file increasing startup speed - Add --no-launcher-update command line argument to not allow launcher.
Tried both solutions and I'm still unable to launch the game. Solution #1 (Omrakos') didn't change anything. I would still get stuck at 'Checking for updates.' Solution #2 (Cypherz's) simply changed the problem. After I deleted the folder I would get another endless loop.
The launcher gets stuck at around 33% on 'Updating Blizzard Update Agent.' I also tried the Patch Looping and Corrupt Files solution (and that didn't work either. Stuck at 'Checking for updates.' I'm running out of options and I REALLY don't wanna go thru a reinstall, especially if that means I have to redownload every patch. Any further help is appreciated.
This somehow reminds me of release day a year ago. I am not about to reinstall because this is not something a reinstall will solve. It's a launcher issue and not a game issue. Campbell Hausfeld Hs7810 Manual. WoW, SC2 and Diablo 3 all do the same thing when I try to launch them (yea im a fanboy. A disappointed one at that).
I've looked around the forums and the Internet for a solution but I can't find one that works. What really bothers me the most is that I never had this problem aside from the day the game was released and now it just randomly rears its ugly head. I played just fine yesterday and didn't change anything on my PC.