Engineering Patch Antenna Design

Engineering Patch Antenna Design

Welcome to Rozendal Associates! Rozendal Associates, Inc. Develops and manufactures quality innovative microwave products to meet the unique requirements of our customers.

These products include radar reflectors, radomes, and microwave antennas. Rozendal also performs microwave testing and provides quantitative results. Rozendal Associates is a custom manufacturing company that provides microwave products and services to our customers. If you have a specific manufacturing or testing need, please contact us with your requirements and we will respond shortly to your inquiry.

Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Design using IE3D Simulator. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.2 (April 2014). DUAL FREQUENCY PATCH ANTENNA DESIGN FOR GLOBAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM A thesis presented to the faculty of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology of Ohio.

Welcome to Rozendal Associates! Pipe Data Pro 7.2 Crack. Rozendal Associates, Inc. Develops and manufactures quality innovative microwave products to meet the unique requirements of our customers. These products include radar reflectors, radomes, and microwave antennas. Rozendal also performs microwave testing and provides quantitative results. Rozendal Associates is a custom manufacturing company that provides microwave products and services to our customers.

If you have a specific manufacturing or testing need, please contact us with your requirements and we will respond shortly to your inquiry.