The Sonar Modelling Handbook Dera

An Introduction to Radar Systems Chris Baker. IET Radar, Sonar and. System simulation and modelling Cognition Lab Anechoic chamber Radar. It covers the general features of sonar. And concise way as an introductory text and practical handbook. An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics.

The Sonar Modelling Handbook Derailment

JavaScript is disabled in your browser - some features of this site will not work without it [] Glossary and acronyms We use many acronyms, words and phrases that are peculiar to BODC and oceanographic research. If you have seen any acronyms or words used in our web site that you do not understand and you think should be included here, please email the BODC or complete our. For further oceanographic terms or acronyms not related to the BODC, access the. Y An effort to investigate and understand the influences on global climate regulation, with a focus on the current role of the North Atlantic subtropical. A consortium project. ABS Acoustic Backscatter Sensor. ACCLAIM Antarctic Circumpolar Current Levels by Altimetry and Island Measurements. A Liverpool research programme carried out in the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean.

Aerosol Characterisation Experiment. A study of the processing of gases and aerosols through hill cap clouds on Tenerife and sub-tropical marine stratocumulus. ACE Autumn Circulation Experiment.

Took place between October 1987 and March 1988 in the North Sea. ACMME Aerosol Characterisation and Modelling in the Marine Environment. Part of the programme, funded. Acoustic Backscatter How much of a transmitted acoustic signal is bounced back to a transducer. Acoustic Pinger A battery-powered automatic acoustic transmitter that emits a pulse ('ping') of acoustic sound at a regular interval and at a particular frequency.

Atmospheric Chemistry Studies in the Oceanic Environment. Street Fighter X Tekken Crack Torrent on this page. A thematic research programme. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. An instrument used to measure ocean currents at multiple depths through the transmission of high-frequency acoustic signals. ADV Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter.

A versatile, high-precision instrument for water motion measurements in laboratories, lakes, rivers and oceans. Aeolian Relating to or caused by wind. Agassiz trawl A fine meshed net used to sweep a corridor of the sea floor and collect all the species living along that line. Autonomous LAgrangian Circulation Explorer. An instrument that can be programmed to cycle up and down through the water column at predetermined intervals to provide measurements of temperature and salinity at a prescribed depth.

The predecessor to floats. Altimeter An instrument that measures the height above sea level or, for marine applications, the height above the sea bed.

AMMA-UK The UK's contribution to the African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) programme. AMMA-UK has links with through the project. Atlantic Meridional Transect. A research project.

Anemometer An instrument for measuring wind speed and direction. A study of the upper ocean microbial biogeochemistry in the Arabian Sea.

A UK research project. This is a series of 5 grids (A-E) used by modellers within to provide a framework for calculations of various physical quantities.

A global array of 3000 free-drifting profiling floats. An international research project. ASPeCt Antarctic Sea-ice Processes and Climate. A database of sea ice observations. Atomic Absorption Spectrometer An instrument that provides accurate quantitative analyses for metals in water, sediments, soils or rocks. Attenuate To reduce in force, value, amount or degree; weaken.

Fs Commander Serial Number. Audit To examine, verify or correct. Autosub Under Ice. A thematic research programme. Authigenic One of three major components of deep sea sediments, the other two being detrital and biogenic.

Authigenic minerals are those formed by spontaneous crystallisation within the sediment or water column and make up only a small fraction of the total sediment volume. It can also be produced as a by-product of hydrothermal activity near ridge crests. AutoAnalyser An instrument used to measure the concentrations of dissolved nutrients. Automated Flow Cytometer An instrument used to measure the biomass of phytoplankton, bacteria and microzooplankton.

A world-leading unmanned Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), developed by engineers and scientists at National Oceanography Centre. AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.

B-grid A 'staggered' that separates the evaluation of two quantities rather than evaluating all quantities at the same point in each grid cell. For example velocities may be measured at the grid centre and masses at the grid corners. BADC British Atmospheric Data Centre.

Designated UK data centre for atmospheric sciences. The current flow in the water column is associated with density differences between water masses.

This can arise from both salinity and temperature differences. BAS British Antarctic Survey. Environmental research centres responsible for UK scientific activities in Antarctica. Bathymetry The measurement of the depth of bodies of water. Beach profile A cross-section taken perpendicular to a given beach contour. The profile may include the face of a dune or sea wall, extend over the backshore, across the foreshore and seaward underwater into the near-shore zone.