Ntu Nie Masters Program
The Nanyang MBA is offered by the Nanyang Business School in NTU Singapore. It is ranked highly amongst the top MBA programmes in the world. The participants, faculty and our partners collaborate to solve real-world challenges through cutting-edge research and distinct pedagogy. Situated in Asia’s most livable city and the world’s 3rd best, Singapore, the Nanyang MBA is an intensive global programme with a focus in Asia. This 12-month transformational programme allows participants to gain deep, practical real-world insights into business models, management philosophies and rigorous academic theories across a variety of industries to prepare to excel in the global environment. Participants will do a ‘live’ strategy project (Strategy Projects at Nanyang) where they work in groups to deal with a real-life strategic opportunity presented by a particular organisation. Participants also undergo a comprehensive leadership course (Leading People Globally) and have an opportunity to do a Business Study Mission (BSM) where participants will study specific segments of business/industry and/or corporate/government entities to gain insights and learn relevant best practices in a particular country each year.
Download Bechare Zameen Par Full here. What is Nanyang Technological University-National Institute of Education (NTU-NIE). To take Masters level courses that can be credited to a Master's degree.
Experience a personal and professional transformation with the leading MBA programme in Singapore that will enable you to take on leadership roles anywhere in the world. Download Lernwerkstatt 7 Grundschule Einzellizenz.